Silas High School Mission Statement
Develop Competent, Contributing Citizens
- Athletics
- Attendance
- Bell Schedule
- Closed Campus
- Contacting staff at Silas
- Dances
- Dress Code
- Electronic Devices
- Fees & Fines
- Graduation Requirements
- Health & Wellness
- ID Cards & ASB Membership
- Lockers
- Lost & Found
- Parking
- Skateboard/Longboard/Bikes
- Visitors & Volunteers
Athletic participation is completely voluntary and a privilege. Involvement in the athletic program does require you to give a lot of yourself. You must be willing to make a commitment of your time and energy beyond the normal school day. Turning out for a sports team requires duties on your part. You must maintain a 2.0 G.P.A. to participate in competitions and attend all classes regularly. It is expected that your conduct will be always appropriate. To assume lesser standards would be an injustice to you and a disservice to Silas High School.
Student athletes must purchase an ASB card and have on file with the Athletic Director a current medical physical, parent permission and contract form. Student athletes must have medical insurance and also submit an Emergency Medical Information form. These forms are available in the main office, from the athletic director located up in the gym or on the School District web site www.tacomaschools.org.
The number of teams each program has depends on the number of participants. Some of the programs will have a selection process. Coaches have the responsibility to evaluate and select students for participation. Only the coach is authorized to make selections for team membership and playing time.
Parents of any student eight years of age and under eighteen years of age shall cause such child to attend school unless the child is enrolled in an approved private school, an educational center as provided in chapter 28A.205 RCW or is receiving home-based instruction. Any law enforcement officer authorized to make arrests can take a truant student into custody without a warrant and must then deliver the student to the parent or to school. (Policy 3121)
Parents and/or guardians are asked to notify the attendance office(s) when a child will be absent and give the reason for the absence on the day of the absence. If a parent or guardian anticipates an extended absence, pre-approval is required by notifying the appropriate attendance office with a written notice three school days prior to the absence.
If a student is absent, a note (or parent/guardian phone call/e-mail) is required with specific reason, date, and signature of parent of guardian. Excuses are to be turned into the attendance office on the morning following each absence. Students must always check into their attendance office, even if they have no note, before going to class if they are arriving late or returning from an absence.
All Tacoma Schools observe a closed campus policy. Students are to stay on the school grounds, in the designated areas, from the time they arrive until they are dismissed. Students must have a parent call or bring a written parental request to the attendance office in order to leave campus for any reason. Students will be subject to disciplinary action for leaving campus without permission. Calling in ahead of time allows us time to prepare an early dismissal and deliver it to your student for dismissal.
When a student is marked absent from one or more classes, parents will be notified using a computerized system called School Messenger. This call will inform parents that their student has missed one or more classes for that day. his phone call keeps parents informed about their child and complies with the BECCA Law.
Excused Absences:
Personal illness, health condition, or medical or dental appointments; students absent five (5) days or more from school will need a note from a physician certifying the dates of illness.
Family emergencies (examples include fire; significant illness, death or funeral within the family, parent hospitalization.)
Appearances in court when required by law
Long-term suspensions that do not result in a loss of grades or credits, short-term suspensions, and emergency expulsions
Approved family activities, as detailed in section above of this regulation
Religious observance shall not have the absence count against attendance requirements for school-based reward, incentive, or behavior management programs
School-approved activities.
Unexcused Absences
Absences for reasons not listed above are un-excused.
Students returning to school without providing a valid excuse from a parent within one school day will have the absence recorded as un-excused.
Schools may (but are not obligated to) provide the opportunity for make-up work due to
unexcused absences.
Unexcused absences may adversely affect a student’s grade.
Family Planned Absences
A parent may request that a planned family activity be approved by contacting the attendance office in writing at least three (3) school days before the student’s absence.
Students will bring their parent note to the attendance office and get a “pre-approval form”
which they will have each of their teachers sign allowing them to make-up all work/tests while they are away.
If approved, the family activity shall be considered an excused absence, provided all conditions in this section are met.
Approval is at the discretion of the grade level principal. Approval or denial is on a student-by-student basis and shall include a fair consideration of the impact of the planned absence on the student.
The principal may require an agreement with the student, parent and teacher to complete special assignments and/or missed work.
Failure to complete an agreed upon assignment will cause the absence to be considered unexcused.
Bell Schedule
View Daily Bell Schedules
Lunch Schedules
1st Lunch 2nd Lunch
Aardal |
Alwert* |
Bockus |
Baurichter |
Chantler |
Brown * |
Cadena |
Corley |
Chase |
Ebert |
Fokes |
Ferris |
Forrest* |
Frier |
Frier |
Gibbons |
Hansen |
Gordon* |
Herb |
Hanson |
Harasimowitz |
Harden* |
Hollister |
Hollingsworth |
Jones* |
Kimmel |
Leach |
Meersman |
McCormick-Booth |
Nguyen |
Purdy |
Raymond |
Rehberg |
Richardson |
Rotchstein |
Roberts |
Solmiren |
Roderick |
Sorgenfrey* |
Rogers |
Whitley/JROTC |
Sherls |
Woodard * |
Springer |
Conger |
Tabares |
Willard |
Closed Campus
The cafeteria at Silas is designed for student comfort and use. We have considerable pride in the services of the cafeteria as well as the attitude of Silas’s students in keeping the tables and the floor clean. Students should clean up the table when they are finished eating and throw away their garbage in the garbage cans. SILAS HIGH SCHOOL HAS A CLOSED CAMPUS POLICY. STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE CAMPUS DURING LUNCH OR ANY OTHER TIME DURING THE SCHOOL DAY WITHOUT PRIOR PARENT PERMISSION AND THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION FROM THE NURSE OR ATTENDANCE OFFICE.
Contacting staff at Silas
Purchasing tickets & Guests:
Dances on Silas’s campus are typically from 8:00pm to 10:00pm. Senior Prom times may vary depending on venue.
Most dances have ticket presales the week before the event. If tickets are available to purchase at the door during the event, there will not be presale tickets available the day of the event. This provides our staff time to organize and sort the authorized presale list for that evening. Names of students who have repurchased tickets will be kept and verified when tickets are presented at entry.
Attendees must show picture ID card with ASB to get the ASB ticket price.
(Prom only) Silas students may bring dance guests (1 guest per student) who are high school students or recent high school graduates. All guests must be preapproved by Silas administration. Guests must present ID to confirm identity and age in order to enter dance. Acceptable forms of identification are driver’s license, school ID badge, military ID or other formal ID card. Guests must abide by the TPS Code of Conduct and Dress or they will not be admitted to the dance.
Students and guests must show I.D. at the door to be admitted.
The ability to attend any dance may be jeopardized by poor attendance and/or grades or fines. ASB events are geared towards celebrations and rewards.
Day of the Dance:
Dances on Silas’s campus are from 8:00pm to 10:00pm
Students and guests must show Silas I.D. at the door to be admitted.
Backpacks, bags, large size purses, food/drinks or water bottles are prohibited from entering the dance. Some dances have a coat check for jackets and small items at the discretion of the administration. The Tacoma School District rules will be enforced, and administrators will call parents when appropriate. The school is not responsible for any items brought into the dance or checked in the coat check.
During the dance, students are to be in designated dance areas. Students may not leave the dance and return. Once a student goes outside, he/she will not be readmitted or sold another ticket.
No loitering or waiting for friends outside the dance area or parking lots.
Secure your valuables. The school cannot be responsible for purses etc. left unattended.
For safety reasons, no infants or small children may come to school dances with students.
Dances are a time for fun with friends at a school-sponsored function. Therefore, any dancing deemed inappropriate is not tolerated. Students violating this rule may be subject to dismissal from the dance and will not be allowed to attend the next dance. No refunds will be given.
Additionally, there is a zero-tolerance policy on possession or use of nicotine, alcohol, drugs, or other illegal substances at all school-sponsored functions. Students caught with or under the influence of any of these substances will be fully subject to discipline according to School Board policies.
For safety, students attending the dance must leave promptly after the dance. The campus is cleared within 15 minutes of the end of the event.
Sexual Harassment and Appropriate Dress:
Dances are fun. SHS encourages all participants to enjoy themselves at school dances. With that said, it is a school function and not a club setting. Therefore, appropriate limitations are necessary.
Sexual Harassment and Appropriate Dance: Tacoma School District Policy 3215/3215R and Title IX of the Federal Education Amendments of 1972 prohibit sexual harassment at any school-related functions. Therefore, sexually offensive and inappropriate language, gestures and dancing are not acceptable. Dancing styles that involve intimate touching or exposure of the breasts, buttocks, or genitals, or that simulate sexual activity are NOT allowed; when dancing back to front, all dancers must remain upright--no sexual squatting or sexual bending is allowed, i.e. no hands-on knees and no hands on the dance floor with your buttocks facing or touching your dance partner; lying on the floor in a sexually suggestive manner or lap dancing are not tolerated. The Administration and school staff reserve the right to determine what constitutes sexual harassment.
Appropriate dress is mandatory for all students. All school dress code rules apply to dance attire. See Silas Dress Code Policy.
Dress Code
Silas High School acknowledges that a correlation exists between personal attire and student achievement. This document informs students and families that Silas’s dress code is designed to allow for student comfort while maintaining an environment conducive to teaching and learning in the best available educational setting.
If a student is out of compliance with the Silas dress code, he/she will be asked to remedy the situation to become compliant with the following expectations.
Undergarments are required.
Garments that promote the use of drugs, (including tobacco, vape or alcohol products,) are prohibited. This includes the logos of local companies like “Cookies” or “Zips” or breweries and wineries.
Hate speech, to include sexist, racist, homophobic or transphobic language or negative ethnic/racial comments or connotations are not allowed to be worn at school or at school related activities (home or away). School administration may determine anything that could be considered questionable or “gray area” content.
In order to minimize disruption and loss of instructional time, students should have extra clothing items, especially if they believe they may be asked to change. Please check your student’s attire daily to assure that students maximize their learning opportunities and avoid attire that is not compliant with the Silas dress code. If a student has failed to comply with the dress code, the student may be referred to an administrator and may be denied entrance to class until the dress code violation is resolved.
If you have reason to believe an item may not be school appropriate… it probably isn’t. In all cases, school administrators will make the final determination regarding specific dress code violations. Students are expected to be cooperative whenever their attire is determined inappropriate. Argumentative, hostile, or defiant behavior will be subject to other disciplinary action and progressive consequences.
Spirit or Special Event Days
All Spirit wear must comply with the Silas Dress Code. Students are forewarned not to wear face paint, masks, skin-tight or suggestive attire, sunglasses, or anything else that could cause a safety issue or a disruption to the learning environment.
Electronic Devices
Cell phones and certain electronic items shut you off to the outside world and can be a safety hazard on campus allowing you to not hear what is going on. In the case of headphones and ear buds, you may only have them obstructing one ear while anywhere on campus. Headphones should be removed entirely while you are in class. Cell phones should be turned off and put away during class time unless otherwise directed by a teacher to be used as a learning tool.
Fees & Fines
ASB Card (required of all athletes & student activities/clubs) | $30.00 ($5.00 for replacing lost cards) |
Nova (Yearbook) www.yearbookforever.com | Prices vary during school year |
Parking Permit | $5.00 |
All fees subject to change.
Instrument use fee: A yearly non-refundable fee will be assessed for students who use school instruments. This fee will cover basic maintenance of instruments such as annual chemical bath for wind instruments or replacing strings on orchestra instruments. Additional charges will be assessed to students if the instrument is returned in a damaged condition. See your band or orchestra teacher for procedures to apply to use a school instrument.
Puget Sound League Admission Prices:
- 2024-2025 Athletic Pass* - $80.00
- Adults & High School Students without ASB - $8.00
- Senior Citizens - $5.00
- Military Personnel with ID - $5.00
- Visiting Students with ASB card - $5.00
- Middle School Students with ASB - TPS MS only FREE
- Tacoma High School Students with ASB at TPS HS only - FREE
Other fees (shop, art, fines, etc.) should be paid to Ms. McFarland, Office Manager.
*Funds for Athletic Passes, when purchased at school, go directly to Silas Athletic Dept.
Graduation Requirements
Health & Wellness
The school nurse is available to all students for health status appraisal, i.e., vision, hearing, dental, and scoliosis screening, first aid and emergency care and as a school resource for health education and prevention programs. The nurse is available for counseling regarding any health concerns students may have.
It is IMPORTANT that students with special health problems such as diabetes, epilepsy, recent surgery, or hospitalization report to the nurse at the beginning of the school term.
Tacoma School District Policy does not allow the nurse to give any medications of any kind, including aspirin or Tylenol. Arrangements for medication at school must be made with the school nurse with a written parental request and a physician’s prescription.
ID Cards & ASB Membership
See Ms. Mullen if you are interested in a locker. Malfunctions or thievery should be reported to Campus Safety. Highly valued items should not be brought to school, nor left in a student locker; and the locker door should always be locked after use. Students should never tell anyone their combination, not even close friends. Students are requested to keep their belongings in their own lockers. Silas High School is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Lost & Found
All lost items are taken to the courtyard security office. A brief description of the article and its contents may help regain a lost possession. To ensure prompt recover/investigation, lost or stolen articles should be reported immediately. Students who find lost articles are expected to turn the article over to the security officer(s) or the main office. Silas High School is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Students are requested not to bring valuables to school.
Student parking lots are off North 14th Street only. Each school year students who wish to drive to school must register their cars. Parking on campus is a privilege. To accommodate the large number of students and staff desiring to park on school property, in accordance with TSD regulation 6550, the rules listed below have been established. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary action, and or a fine. Please park in designated student parking areas.
All students must register his/her vehicle with our cash register office, Ms. McFarland.
Students must possess a valid Washington State driver’s license and show proof that there is liability and property damage insurance on the vehicle and acknowledge that he/she will assume full responsibility for any comprehensive or collision claims that may occur while on school property.
Students must fill out the Vehicle Registration card before a parking permit is issued.
The cost is $5.
The parking lot is OFF LIMITS DURING THE SCHOOL DAY (8:05 – 2:45). This includes lunchtime. Books, lunches, clothing, etc. should not be left in the vehicle.
Speeding or careless driving in the parking lot and on the streets bordering the campus will result in loss of parking privileges and the incident will be reported to the police department.
The school/school district is not responsible for vandalism or theft of the vehicle. Students are encouraged to leave valuables at home, including large speakers and other items that might tempt a thief.
Possession of alcoholic beverages, drugs/illegal chemical substances or opiates, firearms, ammunition, or dangerous weapons fall under the terms and conditions of “Student Conduct Rules” and extend to a student’s vehicle parked on school district property and adjacent properties.
Student vehicles shall not be parked on district property overnight unless the principal or designee has given authorization to the student because of a school-related activity. The district shall not be held liable for any damage that may occur to a vehicle left parked during non-school hours or overnight.
Parking decals are to be displayed in the left front window of the vehicle.
Skateboards are not allowed to be carried from class to class or ridden on campus. Please place your skateboard in your locker or ask a teacher, coach, or administrator if you can keep them in their room until the end of the school day.
Bikes are to be locked up and secured on the bike racks which are located between the music hall and auditorium and in front of the auditorium. Bikes are to remain locked until the end of the school day or until you are leaving campus for the day. Bikes brought to school are not to be ridden during lunches. Bikes should not be locked to posts or fences or you may be subject to disciplinary action.
Visitors & Volunteers
Students are not allowed to bring visitors to school or to have non-Silas students/visitors come to the school looking for them. Students are not allowed to bring siblings, other relatives, or friends to school.
Silas High School welcomes and encourages visits by parents, other adult community residents and interested educators. All visitors MUST sign in at the main office and get a visitors' badge.
The learning environment and the staff’s time for students shall be free from interruption. Therefore, we encourage parents/guardians to make an appointment to see a teacher(s), counselor, administration, and to visit a classroom, with 24 hours’ notice.
Silas High School
1202 North Orchard Street
Tacoma, WA 98406
253.571.6000 - Phone
253.571.6162 - Fax
253.571.6154 - Records Fax
Principal: Bernadette Ray
Assistant Principals:
Allison Bennett
Rindi Hartman