Silas Preview of the Week, Dec. 15 2024

Silas High School—Principal’s Weekly Message—December 15, 2024—

Silas Core Beliefs

  • Every student can learn and grow at high levels.
  • Every student brings valuable prior knowledge to school.
  • Every student shall have a trusted adult at school with whom they connect.
  • Every student shall have access to guaranteed and viable curriculum.
  • Every student shall leave Silas High School prepared for post-secondary options.

The December Equity Theme centers around: INTEGRITY

Integrity means acting in a way consistent with honor, fairness, and respect. It is not being perfect. It’s choosing to do the right thing, even when no one is watching. Keep in mind that your initial response is not always the right choice.

What does having integrity mean to you?

Why is it difficult (at times) to be a person of integrity?

Important Dates

Sunday, December 15—Choir trip to Leavenworth

Wednesday, December 18—Mini-late start—Individual/classroom time

Wednesday, December 18—Choir Concert—7 pm in the auditorium

Thursday, December 19—Music Department Recruiting Tour—details will come from teachers for music students

Monday, December 23—two-week winter break begins

SPIRIT WEEK Monday, December 16-Friday, December 20!

Monday: Sweatuh Weathuh--if you don’t know the reference, see here: Sw346KAxVUAzQIHVVRCdEQz40FegQIEhAU&

Tuesday: Candy Cane

Wednesday: Ski v Sand

Thursday: Holiday Headgear (This does not include headphones!)

Friday: Dreams (or pajamas)

Yearbooks are on sale!

The link is:


If you would like to submit a senior portrait (heart to head shot) in place of the school picture that was taken in Sept/Oct you need to submit by December 31, 2024.

If not submitted by December 31, 2024 we will use your school picture. 


A direct link:

Go to the bottom of the page and click on "visit yearbook snap" 

Access code is: rams


Calendar survey
We would like your feedback to create a school calendar that best suits families. Your answers will help inform the school calendars for the next three school years, starting with 2025-26.

Please complete this survey by Dec. 20: TPS Calendar Survey

December days off
There's no school for students Monday, Dec. 23, through Friday, Jan. 3, for winter break.  

School resumes on Monday, Jan. 6.

Classroom Strategies


Instructors often use timers to break up classroom activities. This allows for multiple transitions during our 55-minute class periods and helps students from getting bored. World language classes are often the best examples of this. Class looks like a series of activities that could include: review vocabulary; stand up, sing a song about it; go the white board, write it out; quiz a partner verbally; sing the song again; and so on. Having a set amount of time for each activity makes the class go faster and allows the instructor multiple opportunities to assess students (formative assessments) during the class.

RamTV News:

What inspired me this week?


A group of future Rams visited this week from Downing Elementary to decorate holiday cookies with Chef Rebecca Rotchstein and our culinary students. ADORABLE.

Thank you to all our students who were involved. You brightened those babies’ day. Some of you should consider being teachers. You really shine when instructing, coaching, motivating, and inspiring. PROUD OF YOU.


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