Silas High School—Principal’s Weekly Message—January 26, 2025—
Silas Core Beliefs
- Every student can learn and grow at high levels.
- Every student brings valuable prior knowledge to school.
- Every student shall have a trusted adult at school with whom they connect.
- Every student shall have access to guaranteed and viable curriculum.
- Every student shall leave Silas High School prepared for post-secondary options.
The January Equity Theme centers around: LANGUAGE
Language is the base of how we see and understand everything around us, but it can also make us feel left out or misunderstood. We use symbols to build this shared understanding through letters, dialects, tone, pictures, memes, jokes, telling stories, or using gestures. At times, language and symbols can exclude others by accident or on purpose. We must be willing to change the words we use, the jokes we tell, or the gestures we make when they cause harm to others.
For discussion at home or at work:
- What is a value you live by, and what does it means to you?
- Then, is there a value someone shared that means something different to you?
Important Dates
Wednesday, January 29—Mini-Late Start—Social-Emotional Learning Professional Development for staff
Friday, January 31—PRS Day, Semester Break—No School for students, and staff may work from home to complete grades and prepare for semester 2
Access code is rams.
Monday, February 3—First day of second semester—schedule changes available in StudentVue and ParentVue
Monday-Friday, January 3-7—WIDA Testing 5th and 6th periods (for students who are multilingual)
Wednesday, February 5—Mini-Late Start—Staff Professional Development
Thursday, February 6—COMBEA Music Festival
Saturday, February 8—Vocal Solo Ensemble
Monday-Friday, February 10-14-- WIDA Testing continues 5th and 6th periods (for students who are multilingual)
Wednesday, February 12—Mini-Late Start—Staff PLC time
Friday, February 14—Snow Make-Up Day OR no school for staff or students if it never snows
Monday, February 17—Presidents’ Day—No school for staff or students and district offices closed
Tuesday, February 18—Waiver Day—no school for students
Thursday-Saturday, February 20-22—Silas Musical—details to come!
Wednesday, February 26—Mini Late Start—staff PLC time
Thursday-Saturday, February 27-March 1-- Silas Musical—details to come!
New school-based healthcare clinic open to all students
Tacoma’s students now have another healthcare option - the new SeaMar Health Center based at Lincoln High School. It’s open to all Tacoma Public Schools students.
Nurse practitioners provide services including sports physicals, annual checkups and acute illness care for things like cough, cold, ear pain, UTI and minor injuries. Immunizations are also available.
Get more information here: SeaMar School-Based Health Center - Lincoln High School
Give your input on TPS Strategic Plan
Tacoma Public Schools wants to hear from you! We are in the process of updating our Strategic Plan and want to hear from students, staff, families and the community. We want to know what characteristics, attributes, and/or skills that:
- Students should have when they graduate
- Adults should have as they teach and support students
- The system should prioritize as it ensures the best learning and working environment for students, staff, and families
The survey takes about 5-10 minutes to complete. Your answers are anonymous. Take the survey:
RamTV News:
What inspired me this week?
Our very own Silas sophomore, Aven Kilmer, spoke eloquently at the city’s MLK celebration last Monday.
Apologies for the quality of the photos, but Aven is pictured speaking below and then with Tacoma City Councilwoman Sarah Rumbaugh.
What a way to represent yourself, your family, your school, and your community, Aven.
We are proud of you!
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